Types of disabilities in Canada
The Canadian Government’s Definitions of Disabilities Any severe and long-term condition that prevents a person from doing normal and ordinary daily tasks qualifies as a qualifying disability. The term is broad, allowing for a virtually infinite number of circumstances to be qualified. The circumstances stated below have historically been precedent, but the list is not all-inclusive or restricted to the list. If your disease is not listed below but you satisfy the criteria, we will absolutely make a case on your behalf. It’s worth a shot, especially since Canadian disability benefits won’t bill you unless you get a refund! Most conditions, according to the CDB, fall into one of three categories:
Mental disorders can be subtle and difficult to detect, but they are typically more incapacitating for those who suffer from them. One of the most prevalent disabilities that The CDB Canadian Disability Benefits deals with is depression. Depression can make it difficult for some to get out of bed in the morning and keep down a full-time work. The Disability Tax Credit is designed to help people in situations like these. Canadian citizens can be born with a mental handicap or develop one later in life as a result of natural causes or a terrible accident. We can assist you regardless of the reason or symptoms you are suffering, as long as the illness qualifies as a disability as defined by the Canadian government.
Physical disabilities are visible to everyone and can cause a variety of challenges for persons who have them. This could involve people or employers stigmatizing those with these disabilities, which could make it difficult to find or keep work. Furthermore, people with physical limitations may be unable to execute the same responsibilities as others, resulting in lower-paying jobs. Canadian citizens may be born with a physical impairment or develop one later in life as a result of natural causes or a terrible accident. The CDB can assist you no matter what the cause or symptoms are, as long as the condition limits your ability to conduct daily functions in some way.